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Special Meeting of the Board
- Session conducted via group text
- Roll Call
- present: Jason Comfort, Jason Goerlic, Doug Goldstein, Will Bowen, Craig Schmidt
- absent:
- observing:
- Resignation of Board Member
- Craig Schmidt has submitted his resignation
- Resignation accepted by Will Bowen, President of the Board
- Craig Schmidt not included on the next voting items
- Pool Lounge Chairs need to be replaced
- In the past 2 weeks over half of the pool lounge chairs have succumbed to the elements
- Jason Comfort priced out replacement chairs from Lowe’s
- sling fabric chaise loungers $379.99 or $429.99 (each or per pair?)
- Homeowner submitted a suggestion for replacement chairs from Wayfair
- sling fabric chaise loungers $829.83 for 4
- Jason Goerlic priced out replacement chairs from Houzz
- resin chaise loungers $720 for 4
- cushioned chaise loungers $270 each
- Board Members discussed durability and longevity
- Jason Comfort proposed selecting homeowner submitted chaise loungers, seconded by Doug Goldstein
- Vote: All in favor via text message
- Doug Goldstein executed purchase to be reimbursed by the Applewood HOA for $2688.65 from Wayfair
- Fence Repairs
- Blanco BMD Remodeling requested $300 in additional materials to complete the fence repair project.
- Vote: All in favor via text message
- Blanco BMD Remodeling requested $2000 payment for fence construction completion, leaving $900 when the fence is dried enough to paint.
- Vote: All in favor via text message