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Architectural Review Committee
- Call to Order at 9/10/2020 6:10pm
- Roll Call
- present: Will Bowen, Jason Comfort, Jason Goerlic
- absent: Craig Schmidt
- observer(s): None
- Motion: Prior minutes motioned to be accepted by Will Bowen and seconded by Jason Comfort.
- Old Business to Review:
- Current ARC Requests:
- Motion to adjourn by Will Bowen and seconded by Jason Goerlic.
- Adjourned at 9/10/2020 6:15pm.
Board Meeting
- Call to Order at 9/10/2020 6:15pm
- Roll Call
- present: Will Bowen, Jason Comfort, Jason Goerlic
- absent: Craig Schmidt
- observer(s): None
- Motion: Prior Board Meeting Minutes to be accepted by Will Bowen and seconded by Jascon Comfort.
- Old Business to Review:
- New Business to Review.
- Pool closure to start the week of October 5th. Pool will not be accesible to neighborhood residents.
- Annual meeting notification to be sent out to neighborhood residents the first week of October.
- Elite to send out email reminder to neighborhood about parking in common area lot.
- Open floor
- Motion: Adjourn meeting by Will Bowen. Seconded by Jason Comfort.
- Adjourned at 9/10/2020 6:50pm.